For centuries Lenders have had ALL the power in the Lender/Borrower relationship...
But all of that has changed!
Lenders have changed how they approve you. They’ve moved from using manual underwriting
systems to automatic approval systems...
And that's great news for you!
You see…
By switching to automatic approval systems, Lenders shifted from requiring documented
“proof” to measuring borrower “behavior”...
So now the “approval” power shifted as well...
To YOU…the Borrower.
Learn the insider secrets to being a Strategic Borrower...
BE IN CONTROL of your financing and funding approvals...
Stop stepping on the lender landmines that kill your funding opportunities and approvals...
Every moment without these insider secrets
is costing you money and profit opportunities...
Over the past 30 years, Merrill has been a pioneer in Fundability Optimization™. He is the founder of The Fundability Movement and has leveraged his extensive knowledge of borrower behavior profiles, FICO® scoring metrics, and lender underwriting requirements, to create a system for helping real estate investors and entrepreneurs become more fundable. To date Merrill and his team have helped their clients with over $300,000,000 in fundings!